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University of Seoul visits FHM-Campus Berlin

On the first weekend in November, a delegation from the University of Seoul, led by Prof. Dr. Hyunook Kim and accompanied by Prof. Ingyu Lee and four high-performing students, visited the FHM campus in Berlin.

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The group was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Carsten Domann. The topics of the mini research trip were very specifically focused on questions of sustainability and environment protection, water as well as energy. Prof. Domann provided insights into research work in Germany and Berlin. In addition to the purely academic exchange, the flying visits to selected Berlin infrastructure projects and supply facilities as well as research facilities were of great interest to the delegation from Korea. It turned out that various municipal initiatives in Seoul and Berlin are similar, but sometimes reach completely different dimensions. It was a profound experience for the four Korean students from the University of Seoul. The diversity of topics alone opened up a complex discussion space that could only be partially touched upon in the almost two days of the visit. At least it made the students curious about subsequent topics and studies. 

The FHM Berlin offers a range of MA courses that combine technology and management.

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