Innovation & Leadership studieren in Berlin
Master Innovation & Leadership (MBA) Int.
Master Full-time study Without NC from 560,— €,- / monthIn our globally networked economy, innovations are increasingly determining competition and therefore also the success of companies. Internationalization and globalization mean that the pressure to innovate is not only affecting global players, but increasingly also SMEs. Future generations of managers will therefore be faced with the challenge of keeping their companies competitive with market-creating innovations and efficiency-enhancing strategies. Only in this way can Germany's economic engine "Mittelstand" with its high number of successful global market leaders and the "Made in Germany" seal of quality remain successful.
Your Study in Berlin
Der Berliner Campus ist der perfekte Ort für dich, um dein Studium zu starten. Nutze die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Hauptstadt an unserem international ausgerichteten Campus.
An unserem Campus in Berlin bist du mittendrin: direkt am Ernst-Reuter-Platz bieten wir dir ein internationales und differenziertes Studienangeboten von Bachelor-, Master- und Promotionsprogrammen. Hier findest du das optimale Umfeld für Innovationen und Netzwerke. Neben unserer modernen Ausstattung ertwarten dich am Campus Berlin für den internationalen Markt entwickelte Studiengänge.
Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) Berlin
Study office opening hours
Mo. - Fr.: 8.00 bis 16.00 UhrDo you have any questions?
We answer your questions at campus Berlin
Forms of study
How would you like to study at the fhm
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Solltest du Probleme mit dem Formular haben, ruf uns gerne unter der Nummer 0800 311 32 23 an. Wir sind für dich erreichbar und führen dich gerne durch den Prozess.
Our contract management team will review and process your submitted application documents and then contact you. Carefully reviewing your application documents will take a little time. All further communication will be done via email. Therefore, please check your e-mail inbox regularly (if necessary also in the spam area).